Materiality assessment

Lappset’s sustainability work is based on international recommendations and materiality analysis.

In the development work, we have relied on both the UN Agenda 2030 and the ISO26000 sustainability standard, as well as GRI-G4’s recommendations, and based on the materiality assessment, we have identified the key areas for development in their combination.

In the autumn of 2022, Lappset carried out a materiality assessment among its key stakeholders. Using the materiality assessment, the organisation outlines which issues are important and have a significant impact on its decision-making and strategies.

Stakeholder map

Stakeholder map

In its materiality assessment, Lappset identified eight focus areas for ESG work. ESG is short for environmental and social sustainability and good governance. These eight focus areas are directly based on the results of the materiality assessment. They are:

  1. Reliable, professional, and transparent ESG communication.
  2. Through communication, we support our mission goal to strengthen the heartbeat of more than a billion people by 2030.
  3. Product data refinements required by LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and various environmental systems such as BVB (Byggvarubedömning in Sweden) to enable various calculations and reporting requirements.
  4. We set targets to reduce our carbon footprint.
  5. We develop material efficiency.
  6. We develop products that utilise recycled materials where possible. Wood will also remain our main raw material in the future.
  7. We further develop the sustainability of our procurement chain, ensure that our ethical principles are up to date, and update administration guidelines if necessary. We also take care of our personnel’s competence in sustainability matters.
  8. We create a diversity programme to promote equality.

These focus areas guide the development and implementation of the company’s ESG strategy.

Lappset is committed to ESG sustainability

A particular key result of the materiality assessment workshop was the preparation of the ESG communication strategy and plan. By following this plan, Lappset ensures that it communicates ESG issues at the cutting edge of its values.

During 2023, Lappset commissioned the calculation of a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for a total of 14 different products. Of these LCA calculations, three have been verified. For the other 11, Lappset prefers to communicate about the carbon footprint. To ensure objectivity, impartiality and transparency, LCA calculations have been prepared following EDP standards by a third party, Greenstep Oy, not Lappset itself.

Lappset is committed to creating a diversity programme to promote inclusion and culture within the organisation. Lappset thus responds to the feedback received from the staff about well-being, equality, employment, and talent development. Creating a diversity programme promotes equality not only at Lappset but also among its stakeholders.

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